Colorado Gold Organic CBD Oil 2000MG in 20ml hempseed oil.
This oil is excellent for those who need more support to develop their wellbeing and wish to add this powerful nutrient punch to their wellness routine.
Cannabinoids found in Colorado Gold+: Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabidivarin (CBDv), Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA)
Terpenes (essential oils) found in Colorado Gold+: Aristolene, a-bisobolol, B-Bisabolene, Cadiniene, Camphene, Caralene, d-3-Carene, B-Caropyllene, P-Cymene, Eucalyptol, B-Farnasene, E-Farnasene, Farnesol, Geraniol, Guaiol, a-Gurjunene, a-Humulene, isopulegol, d-limonene, Linalool, B-Maaliene, Myrcene, Nerolidol, Phytol, terpinene, a-pinene, y-Terpinene,